Wednesday 10 October 2007

Sweet holy mother of Guitar based Justice...

...On a stick!!! This is the most wonderous thing I've ever heard. I had to share it, my only sorrow in this is that I cannot see the joy this will bring to your face myself. I will see these men live within a year! With God as my witness I will be that good...I hope.

Monday 8 October 2007

Dat Lundon

Dat Lundon
Dat Lundon,
originally uploaded by dagroovetroll.
I'm in the process of thanking God for how much my life rules... and part of that process is going through the photographic documentation of momments of ruleosity (its a word... you can't prove it isn't).

I took this foto oin Lundon ( I know, I know its a vernacular spelling)
On the night before I flew to Israel in june, it was a lovely night with a lovely Friend follwed by a lovely tomorrow, and I wanted to share it with the lovely people that read this blog.


Friday 5 October 2007

Dude... Freakin' Tired!!!

This week I 'av been mostly doin'... Nuthin'

You know those weeks where very little happens, you don't have to work much, no one is really around and you just kinda vegetate. I FUCKIN HATE THOSE WEEKS... sorry I kinda lost my cool there. I feel (because that's why I started this post.) that I must explain.

I'm a lazy S.O.B. Its easy to ignore if your in a routine of earliness, you get more sun, get breakfast into you and I dunno its just easier to soldier on. Weekends are there for a reason,and they are brilliant, but living like that all the time, or for me, even 2 or 3 days of it, leaves my body clock a good 12 hours out of whack, gettin out of bed at 4 o clock in the EVENING?!? I really think that is the worst feeling in the world, and yet I do it, if I got nothin else on. I never leave people down and I never miss work if I have it, but if I'm left to my own devises, I stay up all night and sleep all day, it throws of the rhythm of my prayers, my weight lifting, my guitar practice, all the stuff that I do for me. Its ass. Fried ass. On stale bread. Nuff Said.

Its the fact that I like people, and work, and driving, and Being alive, part of society and feel that it has been enjoined on all of us to enguage in a trade or craft of some kind, to waste not our days in idleness and sloth... I know I've heard that somewhere before... Its also got a lot to do with the crippling sorrow that strikes in the late hours like some winged Lovecroftian Leviathan. Hemming me in on all sides stealing the screams from my lips and the Joy from my very sou-... Again, Lost the cool there. Joking aside though, you know what I mean, boredom can lead to a feeling that I think we are to quick to call depression, and the knowledge that I'm in control of that but still do the counterproductive things that lead me down that path is frustrating on a myriad of levels.

Though I freely admit that I would love to have a someone, even without them I am happy, my life is great, my family are great, my friends are great though distant and I'm in a great place, saving money to go to collage and really kick my life off, hitting the ground runnin so to speak.

Another disjointed unintelligible rant from a big ginger nerd. I enjoyed it, and you didn't have to read it but I hope you enjoyed it either way.

God Bless homies, be well. You Deserve it.