Sunday 22 April 2007

Now that thats finished, I can....

So the tour is now finished, Ireland is a small country and it wasn't the biggest tour ever anyway. I'm sorry it's over to be honest because it was really fun and very good experience, I think. Last night we played in a great venue in a town called Dundalk, The venue is called the Spirit Store and it really is great, when you guys come visit me, I'll take you to a gig up in that neck of the woods, I mean not to just any gig but seriously, a lovely venue. So the single is being recorded this weekend, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm hella excited, I really like the song, I like playing it and I like singing it and I can't get it out of my fucking head, which is good I think ... when you are trying to sell a song. It looks like the run up to the Launch we'll be touring the whole country for like a week, meaning a gig every day radio stuff and hopefully T.V. stuff but probably not. But still its gonna be great, I hope. On the lighter side of the news, I had a great experience early today. We went to Dundalk, which is like a 6 hour drive from home, got to the venue, set up and sat around for the required nothing period and then went on stage to play a 50 minute set, and at no point did I feel nervous or anything of the sort. It was the same at the Dolans gig. I know this is small to others but it was huge to me, so huge to me in fact that It slipped past me until I was in the car on the way back today and it was the greatest thing to hit me since I left Israel. Its the small personal triumphs that get us through and help us thank God every day, and that we should tell everyone about to make us feel big. More soon, God Bless.

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Some updates and photos.

Just Postin' some pics of whats happenin', and droppin' the letter.... that comes after F from my life.

These are shots from the Dolans show, which Rocked. Funny part is I spent the whole show dancin', and there was none of it photoed. Damn it!!

We're playin' in Wicklow tomorrow and in Dundalk on Saturday, Its the last show on the tour and I 'as a feelin' that it shall indeed rock out loud! Hopefully some of my Superstar dancin' will be captured on film...

Another short one but I just accuired the Photos and thunk I'd throw 'em up... Whooa Its really hard talkin' about bein a musician with out writing the word gig.... Damn IT!!!!

Saturday 14 April 2007

Well now.... that requires some explination.

Touring... is fun, that's kinda all I can say about it, thus far. Settling in with the band has been interesting, in a good way I mean. Good musicians who like what they play and how I fit into that sound, and lovely guys to boot. Almost all the gigs have gone in some way wrong thus far, bad sound, early curfews and getting pulled over by the federalies on 3 separate occasions, oh yeah and a serious lack of crowdage have made it difficult to really enjoy them, but the music is good and we play well together, so in those 35-40 minutes its great. Last night we played the penultimate gig on the tour in my home town and it was a stomper, great support act who is a really good friend of mine, loads of support from a really solid crowd and we headlined and played the tightest gig we've played to date, the crowd loved it and we had time to actually play together instead of just playing the music and getting off, we cracked jokes and changed lyrics on the spot and generally just had a hoot. Its gigs like that that make this musician thing seem plausible. I'm working on a portfolio of about 6 pieces for the sake of it really, to practice writing pieces in different styles and themes, and I just "purchased" some really good software that should help. I'll be posting the first few on myspace/omalleysguitar soon enough but until I have them at a level I like everyone needs to go to and, two really talented Baha'i musicians who deserve real support. I am aware that this post sucks, is unfunny and uninteresting, but I'm on the road and I'm tired and I'm actually doing OK, as long as I don't think about my ex... oh there it is. Be well my friends.