Monday 9 November 2009

A tragedy? Maybe...

I'm into my second longrun show in the Bell, and it's a really good one by the looks of things. It's called The Revengers Tragedy and It's got loads of folk involved that i've known for years and some folk I haven't but who are also lovely. Add to that a great set, stirring writing and a cast who all rock many many kasbah's simultaniously, and you can see why i'ne enjoying it. I'm still finding sleeping to be more of a battle then it should be, but I do feel that'd be because I'm somewhat over stimulated with all the change and I must say that I'm feelin good and I'm sure once I get the ball rolling on some of the things that have had me thinkin' so much, the rythm and the release will allow me the sweet slumber I crave. I also must add that I still find the ego-centric act of blogging in itself to be a really fascinating thing. To be honest, I think I feel another of my pattented treaties ( nice word for rants ) comin' on... But not tonight, I'm gonna go see if sleep will embrace me for a couple hours till I gotta hit the Bell again. Goodnight sweet reader, and have a savage tomorrow. Hmmm, there really is no way to make that sentiment not sound cheesey... Oh well, now we know. Tawkchoo kid!!

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