Friday 7 March 2014

Look up,
Look up "towards", even though "looking down on" is easier.
Look up,
Look up because from down here we're all just trying.
Look up,
Look up because the sky can't not hug you dude, thats its job.
Look up,
Look up because its ok to be small,
And because we're the small monkeys who walked on other spheres, and because up there and in here can get closer if you just fold space. Like paper. Like that batman t-shirt you feel strong in.

Look up,
because it's easier to notice the effort when you look at where folk are going and not where they are, and because it'd be nice if folk noticed your effort more often than they noticed the failings underneath and behind you.

And because in that breathless expanse, in the space between planets and suns and hearts and minds and opinions and ideas and rightness and wrongness and theory and practice and the couch and the finish line... there's room to take a breath, to sigh and smile and not feel stuck anymore because there's just so.... Much..... Up.... To look at.

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