Sunday 23 December 2007

Where's Jesus?

When did Christmas loose all of its spirit? When did it become purely secular? There's nothing wrong with people who don't necessarily believe in Christ celebrating their family and giving and receiving at this time of year, but when did we completely forget that this day is about celebrating the birth of a Manifestation of God? What I find truly upsetting is the notion that we should take the Christ out of Christmas altogether. What's wrong with it remaining a religious holiday? We wouldn't even think of taking Muhammad out of any Muslim Holiday or the religious aspect out of Hanukkah, so why are people getting het up about Christmas not being called Xmas? I myself do not profess the Christian faith but I do believe that If people want to celebrate their faith then we should all fuck off and let them. And maybe keep the parts we can agree with for ourselves without trying to tell them they should change their ways. Just me I suppose , but I think that Christmas is what it is because of where it came from and if that is taken away totally, then the only time of year people make an effort to think of others will (and maybe already has) become completely selfish and false beyond repair. So maybe cast your minds to Jesus once over this season, even if you don't believe in God, he still did some freakin cool stuff. And it may remind you why your buying someone something cool. It shouldn't be because it'll make you look good, but because It makes them feel good. Allah'u'abha Friends, enjoy the season of good will to all men, while you can...