Friday 26 January 2007

1 down...

Well the exodus has begun. Anis has left us, and he would tell me to have a cry if I said anything even slightly kind or nostalgic and that's why we are such good friends. Anis and his sister left without pomp or ceremony, the same way I'm looking to bug out, sure there was tears and some awkward moments but Anis just told me to stop being such a big girl about it.

I've been through this before, people leave here everyday and new people come but Anis leaving is the real signal to me that I'm actually leaving Israel, friends since orientation and both guards who care about why we're here, there is a bond there, all it really means is I have to get my fat ass to Australia at some point. When Ryan, and Mar and Deuce left it was a big deal because I didn't have the honour of knowing these people for long enough before they hastened on, but this is different because Anis and Lewa are the first of my group to leave, it should say something that Anis is in all the photos up on the blog so far.

Next on the night train out of dodge is Koichi, a good man that I didn't get to see enough of because he was in kitchens and I serve in security, rotation being the bitch that is it, we only really see people in our world, when night is day and weekend falls on a Tuesday. We went to the Shrine of Baha'ullah together for the first time when we first arrived, and hung out during the orientation, but like I said, security is a strange and dark world of sunless days and waking nights, leaving little time for those on a normal schedule, a regret indeed but nothing that can't be remedied in the future. Luckily enough Clorrin and I leave on the same day, we are not going to the airport together but at least the goodbyeishness will all be in one big messy evening of pool and packing.

However, lets end this post with a tribute to Anis, to a good guard and a good man.

Anis: " I left me Baby on a sherut!"

Kev: " Whats a sherut man?"

Anis: "Its like a really big taxi with a really aggressive driver."

God bless you master of robotics and the "White man Dance".


PP said...

The good news about this is that my recurrent nightmares about snipers and frag grenades have stopped at almost the same time as he left the city. Still, I will have a cry, thanks, please.

Jordan said...

I'm not serving in haifa if it turns you into a total wuss!


listening to Bonnie Tyler "Total Eclipse of the Heart" twenty times

it will get you through the first week of losing your man..